the Tourist Office Ardèche mountain I settle here

Sens and Summits Association

Home/Sens and Summits Association
Protection of rural heritage, organization of hikes, promotion of Ardèche culture and gastronomy.


The SENS and SOMMETS association aims to:
– Safeguarding rural heritage by enhancing and maintaining the drailles and paths of the municipalities of Lachamp-Raphaël, Sagnes-et-Goudoulet and Saint-Andéol-des-Fourchades and their connection with the existing paths of neighboring municipalities. As well as the creation of hiking trails, their signage and dissemination
– The organization of hikes
– The promotion of a cultural dynamic on the Ardèche plateau by: the organization of conferences, training sessions, cultural events such as concerts, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
– Highlighting the gastronomy of the Ardéchois plateau


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