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Sara's juice

Home/Natural heritage/Sara's juice
Suc de Sara is located at the eastern limit of the Mézenc massif in the municipality of Borée. The slopes are very steep, the altitude varying from approximately 1100 to 1521 m over short distances.


Unlike the vast open expanses of the west of the massif, the natural environments here are essentially composed of forests, and scree near the summit parts. This biotope is favorable to the installation of saxicolous species (looking for rocky areas) such as a fern: the cryptogram tense. There is a strong contrast in vegetation between the shacks of Suc de Sara (dominated by resinous species established since the beginning of the century) and the adrets with more varied forest flora, with mixed forests based on beech.


All year.

We also offer:

Lestrat juice

Saint Martial

Lestrat juice

A maar-type volcano, the artificial lake is partly nestled in a vast explosion crater, the edges of which can be guessed. The sap of Lestrat dominates the lake, a remnant of an old lava needle partly destroyed by the setting up of the crater.


The Maar of Borée-Echamps

This maar is a superb example of phreatomagmatic volcanic activity. The operation is characterized by an intense explosive activity caused by the meeting of the hot magma during the ascent with the waters infiltrated from the surface.


Flora, fauna and forest in the Pradal Valley

Facing West-East in a triangle formed to the South by the Mont Gerbier de Jonc, to the North by the Suc de Sara and to the West the village and the lake of Saint Martial, the Pradal Valley is protected by its unique access.


Mont Mezenc


Mont Mezenc

Culminating at 1754 m, it straddles the municipalities of Borée and La Rochette. It is an immense natural barrier which determines the division of waters between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.


Le Gouleiou


Le Gouleiou

The volcanic juice of Gouléïou takes its name from the particular site it occupies. “Gouléïou” comes in fact from “goulet”, that is to say “col”. It is a relief formed of phonolite, a clear volcanic rock enriched in silica.


Lake of Saint-Martial

Saint Martial

Lake of Saint-Martial

Maar-type volcano, the artificial lake is partly nestled in a vast explosion crater whose edges you can guess. Access from the leisure centre. Hike to the suc de Lestrat (1 hour round trip, 1 km, 120 m drop, forest path).


Juice of Touron

The sap of Touron near Borée, is a volcano characterized by a blue phonolite presenting a formation in blocks of parallelepiped shapes. It is close to the Roches de Borée and the Gouleïou juice. Many screes are visible on the slopes.



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